The Hunter region has captured international attention for its Australian first Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Hunter Region (S3), which RDA Hunter has been invited to highlight at two international conferences in Europe next week.

RDA Hunter’s S3, which was launched by Prime Minister Turnbull in March 2016, will be the focus of presentations being made by the economic development organisation at the X1V International Triple Helix Conference in Heidelberg, Germany (25 – 27 Sept) and the Changing Patterns of Territorial Policy: Smart Specialisation and Innovation in Europe Conference in Seville, Spain (28 – 30 Sept).

Each will showcase the Hunter’s capacity to leverage its competitive strengths for the delivery of innovation driven growth and economic value.

“RDA Hunter has been undertaking a body of innovation-focused work to drive economic growth and create high-skill, high-value jobs since 2010,” said RDA Hunter CEO, Todd Williams.

“The Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Hunter Region is our latest initiative in this area. It is a masterplan for innovation-driven growth and a catalyst for delivering economic transformation in the region.”

“We’re really pleased that it’s impacting the local economy so quickly with regional organisations already adopting projects that we advocate for. For example, we identified physical innovation incubator spaces as crucial for a well-functioning innovation eco-system. Their realisation in locations across the region has been possible because of State government funding which is very satisfying.”

“Our focus is clearly on initiatives that help make the Hunter more collaborative, smarter and better connected internationally. Our work to build relationships with organisations like the EU, Falling Walls, Invest Bavaria and international embassies raises the Hunter’s profile and puts us on the world stage.”

“The opportunity to present to an international audience about our initiatives at these upcoming conferences will not only elevate the Hunter’s reputation as a strong international competitor that is engaging globally, but also reinforces that we are a forward-thinking, innovative region that is actively working to secure its own future.” continued Mr Williams.

Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Hunter Region (S3) is based on an OECD framework implemented widely across the European Union. It establishes an agenda for economic transformation in the Hunter region by analysing and defining regional competencies and determining new areas of opportunity. The Hunter’s S3 was developed with the assistance of UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, and in consultation with regional stakeholders


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