A NATIONAL-first blueprint created in the Hunter to drive innovation and growth on a regional level is set to debut on the world stage.

Officially launched and lauded by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in March this year as a “microcosm” of what the federal government wants to see replicated nationwide, the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) is the work of Regional Development Australia’s Hunter chapter.

RDA Hunter chief executive Todd Williams has been invited to make key addresses about the strategy at two European summits – the International Triple Helix conference which kicks off in Heidelberg, Germany, on September 25; and the Changing Patterns of Territorial Policy: Smart Specialisation and Innovation in Europe conference, which begins a few days later in Seville, Spain.

Mr Williams said his presentations would showcase the Hunter’s capacity to leverage its competitive strengths for the delivery of innovation driven growth and economic value.

“The opportunity to present to an international audience about our initiatives at these upcoming conferences will not only elevate the Hunter’s reputation as a strong international competitor that is engaging globally, but also reinforces that we are a forward-thinking, innovative region that is actively working to secure its future,” he said.

Mr Williams said RDA Hunter had been focusing on innovation to drive economic growth and create high-skill, high-value jobs since 2010, and S3 was its latest initiative in that area.

On par with the European Union’s approach to economic development and trade, S3 pinpoints the Hunter’s seven competitive advantages: food and agribusiness, mining equipment; technology, medical technologies and pharmaceuticals, oil, gas and energy, advanced manufacturing; defence; and creative industries.

The strategy aims to highlight sectors expected to create future jobs in the Hunter, and use the region’s competitive advantages to deliver an economic agenda supported by innovation and entrepreneurship.

Mr Williams said RDA Hunter was pleased to see S3 at work in the local economy, with organisations already adopting projects that the organisation advocated, including physical innovation incubator spaces. 

He said RDA Hunter was working to make the region “more collaborative, smarter and better connected” and his trip to Europe would “put us on the world stage”.

View the story http://www.theherald.com.au/story/4164775/our-smarts-go-global/

Visit https://rdahunter.org.au/news-events/rda-hunter-invited-to-highlight-its-smart-specialisation-strategy-on-the-world-stage