RDA Hunter recently released the next generation in a series of widely popular STEM education videos that combine real world examples of maths and science.

The first of the series was shot at Varley Group and challenges students to understand the link between the design of NSW Fire Trucks and Pythagoras Theorem. Varley Group Engineer Nick Percy featured in the short video and stressed the importance of understanding High School level mathematics when you get into work. “As an engineer I often have to test how a product will perform in the field before we have even made it.

To do this we come up with scenarios that might occur while the product is being used.” In the 3D Scenario that was created using exact specifications from a working vehicle the fire truck needs to be extracted from a bog and the engineer tests the required lengths of recovery straps, attachment points and relative loads on the vehicle.

Ashley Cox, Manager for RDA Hunter’s ME Program stressed the importance of making Maths and Science learning relevant. “In order for students to gain a lifelong working knowledge of mathematics it’s important that the learning is engaging and is linked to real world examples. It is through using this philosophy that we have managed to substantially increase the uptake of Maths and Science and the HSC level in the Hunter.”

See the video here: http://youtu.be/en6tjt7KL3E