Metropolitan areas are major economic drivers; Newcastle is NSW’s second largest metropolitan area and the growth and prosperity of the Hunter and NSW will benefit greatly from a strong and progressive city. RDA Hunter supports a strategic and integrated approach as the key to delivering long-term urban infrastructure planning which is necessary to underpin sustainable growth of the Region’s population and productivity into the future.

In RDA Hunter’s 2012 paper, Urban Planning for the Hunter’s Future, we recommended that the Hunter (a) adopts a collaborative approach to address government urban policy and (b) considers the regional relationships between:
• Population, land use and housing supply,
• Employment and economically and socially significant infrastructure and
• Services that best contribute to the long term well-being of the Hunter region and its people.

 Urban planning for the Hunter Region

On July 1st, RDA Hunter will host a CEDA Trustee Luncheon: Revitalisation and Job Creation for Regional Growth to discuss this topic further. The luncheon will feature a keynote presentation by Head of Urban Renewal for UrbanGrowth, Simon Pagett.

The event is by invitation only. See for further information.