Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter is the principal supporter of the 2015 Hunter Region Economic Development Forum that is being staged this week by the Committee for Economic Development Australia (CEDA) at Newcastle City Hall.

The Hon Duncan Gay MLC, Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight is delivering the keynote address at the Conference dinner. Minister Gay will discuss infrastructure priorities and critical infrastructure needs that drive regional productivity.

“We are very pleased to be the principal supporters of CEDA’s annual Hunter Region Economic Development Forum again in 2015,” said Todd Williams, CEO RDA Hunter.

“As a driver of economic growth, infrastructure is one of our top three priorities. Minister Gay’s visit to the Hunter will be an opportunity to discuss the region’s transport infrastructure needs further and give us insights in to the State Government’s plan for the delivery of key infrastructure into the future.” continued Mr Williams.

The Hunter Region Economic Development Forum is CEDA’s annual flagship regional discussion. It examines critical issues including regional investment, innovation for jobs growth, and urban redevelopment. It comprises a dinner keynote and a full day conference.

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