RDA Hunter CEO Todd Williams will participate in the University of Newcastle’s International Forum, Universities: Transforming Cities and their Regions being held on 22nd and 23rd September.

The Forum will provide attendees with an opportunity to explore the role of universities, in partnership with business, industry, government and the community, in driving transition and future-proofing their regions.

The program will be structured around four key themes, focusing on models for regional transformation from around the world, developing skills and aspiration for the future workforce, and leveraging the presence and impact of universities as a catalyst for renewal. Each theme will include keynote presentations by distinguished speakers and leaders, who will provide insights and strategies from their shaped by their perspectives on regional transformation. Keynote presentations will be complemented by panel discussions involving leaders from across sectors, as well as facilitated interactive workshops that will offer all participants the opportunity to engage in the discussions 

For more information visit http://www.newcastle.edu.au/about-uon/our-university/research-and-innovation/international-forum