According to UTS Adjunct Professor, Don Scott-Kemmis, “regional organisations are particularly challenged by more rapid economic and technological change, more open and global markets, a greater ‘sophistication’ (complexity, knowledge content) of business and higher levels of interdependence among organisations. If they can find a niche in the global economy a region can become rapidly very successful, but equally rapidly un-competitive. There is often a mis-match between greater centralisation of decision making and the need for approaches that enable local participation and design (and accountability).”

University of Technology, Centre for Management and Organisation Studies hosted a two day Regional High Performance Network Workshop to examine these issues.

Mr Williams will present at the session “Australian SME focus on leadership and management – challenges and opportunities”.

“I’m pleased to be able to represent the Hunter at this valuable workshop. UTS manages some exciting state and national initiatives that the region can learn from being involved in,” said Mr Williams.

Professor Emmanuel Josserand Director CMOS, UTS Business and Mr Chris Hanger, Director of Regional Development, NSW Department of Industry are among other presenters at the event.