RDA Hunter CEO, Todd Williams, at the invitation of the office of The Hon. Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for Education, yesterday visited Canberra to brief his senior advisers on RDA Hunter’s ME program.

Mr Williams outlined the success of ME Program and the opportunities to roll the program out to regional areas Australia-wide.

As one of only three school student focused workforce development programs funded by the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) in Australia, RDA Hunter’s ME Program links Hunter defence and manufacturing companies and Hunter high schools.

The innovative partnership model aims to build a skilled and tailored workforce for the future. Since its inception in 2009, the Program has already seen outstanding results with the selection of physics as a senior school elective in ME Program schools now higher than the NSW average for example.

“It is very encouraging that the Federal Minister for Education has taken an interest in our ME Program and is actively seeking more information about it,” said RDA Hunter CEO, Todd Williams.

“We have worked hard to build the ME Program into a workforce development initiative that makes a difference to students and industry and we’re seeing tangible results.” Continued Mr Williams.

For further information contact RDA Hunter CEO, Todd Williams on 0418 115 577.