‘‘The underlying case for being literate in the digital space is access to markets. I think that’s what broadband gives you. If you don’t have that you are missing out on a massive opportunity,’’ Regional Development Australia chief executive Todd Williams said.

“We welcome the NBN rollout as soon as we possibly can, but we have got to make sure we know what to do with it when we get it and that’s what our Hunter High Speed Broadband initiative aims to do.’’

Hunter High Speed Broadband (HHSBB) is RDA Hunter’s initiative that aims to grow the Hunter’s digital economy. HHSBB links infrastructure providers, service providers, regional industries including health, education and manufacturing, all levels of government and the business community, to develop opportunities for the Hunter to better understand and participate in the digital economy. It will continue to keep the business and wider community informed about the progress of the infrastructure rollout as well as identify opportunities for the Hunter to better understand and participate in the digital economy.

RDA Hunter hosted an HHSBB information session this week. The event featured a keynote presentation by author and Principal Consultant – Business and Digital Transformation Customer Business Consulting for Telstra, Jepser Lowgren, Mr Lowgren spoke about utilising broadband technology to streamline business. 
NBN Co updated the Hunter’s business community on its work to rollout infrastructure across the region while Telstra and Optus presented opportunities to access the new technology.
Lake Macquarie Smart City also presented about its strategies to utilise high speed broadband within Lake Macquarie for improving business systems and community engagement.

View the Newcastle Herald story http://www.theherald.com.au/story/3095670/nbn-on-a-roll-in-the-hunter/?cs=305

View the NBN Television news story http://www.nbnnews.com.au/2015/05/21/thousands-still-without-phone-and-internet-connections/

For more information on RDA Hunter’s HHSBB initiative visit https://rdahunter.org.au/initiatives/nbn

Jesper Lowgren, Author and  Principal Consultant – Business and Digital Transformation Customer Business Consulting for Telstra delivering his keynote presentation