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Dr Scott Sleap, RDA Hunter’s ME Program Director provided advice about STEM skilling and the ME Program’s Stage 5 course, iSTEM, during keynote addresses at two national STEM conferences recently.

The NSW Government’s Secondary Schools STEM Showcase, which also featured a keynote address by NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, Prof Mary O’Kane, aimed to inspire school leaders and teachers, enhance STEM pedagogy and demonstrate innovative programs for school communities. 400 teachers, educators and leaders from across NSW as well as delegates from Canberra, Queensland and South Australia attended the event.

Dr Sleap was the keynote speaker at the DATTA Conference in Perth. The Design & Technology Teachers Association event “Recognising and Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths” was staged to discuss developments in STEM education.

RDA Hunter’s ME Program was highlighted as an exemplar of STEM education at both of these events.

“Being invited to deliver keynote addresses at these two conferences is testament to the success of RDA Hunter’s ME Program. We have worked hard to formulate a program that is both relevant for students and delivers industry with appropriately skilled people. The fact that education providers are looking to us for lessons at events like these is reinforcement that our model is innovative and works,” said RDA Hunter’s ME Program Director, Dr Scott Sleap.

“National recognition of our ME Program’s achievements and being showcased as a model of best practice in STEM education at these national conferences is very rewarding. It demonstrates that our Program is making a difference and changing the landscape of STEM education in Australia,” said RDA Hunter CEO, Todd Williams.

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