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Most of Australia’s economic output comes from cities. Vibrant cities and urban areas attract and retain talented people, encourage innovation and create jobs.

RDA Hunter advocates that recognition of the Hunter Urban Area will boost key economic drivers: international gateways – sea and air ports, employment lands, digital literacy, trade, transport, energy and communications.

Building on its 2010 paper, Urban Planning for the Hunter’s Future, RDA Hunter is preparing a business case to attract support and funding for economic infrastructure and digital technology for a clearly defined Hunter Urban Area based on a population goal of one million people by 2035.

“The Hunter’s Urban Area has been identified as one of Australia’s most important national cities. Cities contribute two thirds of Australia’s GDP and underpin Australia’s knowledge based economy and prosperity.

The time is right for the Hunter to present a strategic and integrated vision for its future as a major urban area and legitimate contributor to the national economy.

RDA Hunter is planning its case for economic development and productivity growth based on a population of one million people with economic infrastructure and digital technology to support it,” said RDA Hunter CEO Todd Williams.

RDA Hunter background information

Population of the Hunter
The Hunter has Australia’s seventh largest city by population, with the capacity to absorb growth above demographic trends.  Plans for growing the Hunter need to provide for a population of one million people.  A resident base of this dimension means the region gains critical mass and important agglomeration economies. Setting one million people by 2035 as the goal for the population of the Hunter strengthens business cases to invest in building essential economic, education and health care infrastructure.

Economic Infrastructure – investing for financial and social returns
The Hunter, with support from local and state governments, has great opportunities to improve integrated planning which adds value capture through land development as a contributor to financing infrastructure.
As evidenced by the Hunter Economic Infrastructure Plan, RDA Hunter has the experience and methodology to identify the infrastructure projects that will unlock jobs and prosperity.  Further developments are needed to maintain the region’s comparative and competitive advantages and ensure our city remains a vibrant, attractive place to live and work.

Technology – leveraging knowledge intensive opportunities
Technology transforms our cities and how we interact with our infrastructure.  Disruptive devices, applications and the sharing economy change how, when and where we work. 

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