Hunter Defence and AIDN NSW (the Australian Industry & Defence Network – NSW Incorporated), are running a Defence Readiness Seminar series designed to educate, prepare, grow and mature NSW businesses who are either active in, or considering, Defence as a business opportunity.

The Seminar series launched in Newcastle on Monday 4 th November 2019. Further series are being considered in Sydney CBD, Western Sydney, Shoalhaven and the Riverina in 2020.

The Seminar Series is designed to assist SMEs to:
– develop sustainable organisational capabilities and competencies to meet Australian and International defence prime contractor requirements;
– overcome identified weaknesses or shortfalls in their capabilities, competencies; or
– when they must meet specific Defence tender requirements that require a credible response.

The series will be offered as a rolling 12-month program with seminars typically held within the first week of every month. Seminars that are likely to have a high demand will repeated.

Goal Group is the specialist training provider delivering this series. Goal Group is a Member Firm for the Hunter Defence Task Force and a long time AIDN NSW member. A training provider of strategies, methodologies, tools and techniques for those in Defence Sector and those planning to enter the Sector, Goal has brought together a team of highly experienced consultants and trainers to deliver the program.

It is envisaged that the program will enable businesses to acquire a State or Federal Government ‘level zero’ accreditation to demonstrate their preparedness. This accreditation will have the advantage of assuring Department of Defence and prime contractors that they are engaging with a competent and knowledgeable contractor, so reducing risk across the entire supply chain. Further Australian Qualifications Frameworks accreditations to higher levels may be offered in the future.

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Defence Readiness Seminar Series Brochure – Hunter – 2020-01-24

Contact us at:

AIDN NSW: Jenny Pitt (Administration Officer) M: 0412 157 797 Email:
Hunter Defence: Tim Owen (Chair-Hunter Defence) M: 0477 201 000 Email:
Goal Group: Kevin Chenney (Senior Consultant) W: (02)4967 4500 Email: