RDA Hunter’s ME Program recently ran its technology demonstration for a group of eager students from New Lambton South Public school. The demonstration was part of the Schools Science for National Science Week. The 125 students learnt about emerging technologies including 3D Printing, Quadcopters, Robotics and Programming.

The aim of the program is to create an awareness of the role that emerging technologies will play in the future. Ashley Cox ME Program Manager for RDA Hunter said “It was a great experience to work with so many eager students, students that see no reason why robotics and computer intelligence won’t be part of their everyday world in the near future.”

The demonstration forms part of what will become the Mini – ME Program a program which takes the same strategies of RDA Hunters ME Program and applies it to students between 6 and 12.

Mr Cox said “Many of us are aware of emerging technologies such as quadcopters and 3D Printers but fail to understand how these can be applied into a real world context that benefits people’s lives. Young people see no barrier to this and were able to instantly identify the importance of technology and how we might apply it in the future.”