Translated into Mandarin for the Chinese market, RDA Hunter’s Smart Happens Here video promotes the business and lifestyle advantages of the Hunter.

Smart Happens Here is a web based initiative that aims to pique interest in the Hunter by highlighting regional attributes such as our people, our vibrant culture and our diversity.

“RDA Hunter implements a future focused regional agenda that aims to advance innovation, attract investment and strengthen the region’s key infrastructure. Our investment strategy helps grow capability for the region’s future and attracts investment from outside the region – nationally and internationally.´ said RDA Hunter CEO Todd Williams.

“China is an important international market for the Hunter. Producing relevant material like Smart Happens Here to help communicate the Hunter’s key strengths as a business location increases the region’s profile and drives investment.

“The video is available for the region to use as it sees fit. We encourage any companies that are doing business in or with China or see an opportunity to promote the Hunter to China to contact us for copies.“ continued Mr Williams.

Contact RDA Hunter for copies of the video or visit