RDA Hunter’s STEM skilling workforce development initiative, the ME Program, this week hosted an event to help the Hunter’s business and education sectors better understand virtual reality (VR) technology.

Beer Googles was held at Central Bar, King Street, Newcastle on Wednesday 8th March. The two-hour event, which will feature a presentation by technology company Virtual Perspective, is the third in a series of industry engagement events which has included ‘Bots & Beers’ and ‘Drones in the Vines’, undertaken by RDA Hunter’s ME Program.

Beer Googles will explore cutting edge technology and the ways in which virtual reality is about to revolutionise business and education. The event will include Virtual Perspective’s presentation on the application of VR and augmented reality as well as an opportunity for participants to experience various VR technologies hands-on. Each person will also receive a set of Google cardboard glasses that enable VR interaction on smart phone devices.

Virtual Perspective is an innovative technology company using the latest cutting edge virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality.

According to the company’s Business Development Manager, Ms Kate Slatter, “Virtual Reality applications are limited only by your imagination and budget! VR offers a fun and interactive communication tool which opens minds and therefore possibilities.”

“We can design and create custom interactive and immersive simulation software for almost any organisation or industry and sharing the opportunities that this new technology can deliver is an exciting part of our job.” Ms Slatter continued.

Director of RDA Hunter’s ME Program, Dr Scott Sleap, said Beer Googles would be an entertaining event where business and education leaders could learn more about VR technology in a relaxed and interactive way.

“In the same way that our ME Program engages school students in industry relevant STEM activities to encourage them to study STEM subjects and consider STEM careers, our industry engagement events introduce business and industry to technologies that could change the way they do business.”

“Virtual reality is new and exciting but until now its business applications haven’t been widely promoted. Our event will help industry understand the technology’s practical applications and how STEM translates to jobs of the future.” Continued Dr Sleap.