Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter this week hosted Australia’s Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb AC.

During his visit, Professor Chubb delivered a public lecture at the Newcastle City Hall on the importance of science and innovation to regional development and saw first-hand some of the RDA Hunter initiatives that support economic development in the region.

“My consistent message has been that science is critical to Australia’s future and far too important to leave to chance,” Professor Chubb said.

Professor Chubb visited RDA Hunter’s ME Program partner school, St Philip’s Christian College, to talk with students about the importance of STEM subjects, as well as ME Program industry partner BAE Systems to see how the ME Program has helped the business and improved its access to skilled staff.

“We are honoured to have hosted Professor Chubb this week. His support for our initiatives is invaluable and reinforces that we are on the right track in planning for the region’s future,” RDA Hunter CEO Todd Williams said.

“Professor Chubb has long expressed his view that science and innovation underpin a differentiated and readily adaptable economy.

“RDA Hunter knows that adaptability leads to global competitiveness. Initiatives like our ME Program and Smart Specialisation help build the Hunter’s position as a key contributor to the national economy,” Mr Williams said.

View the Australian Financial Review story

View the NBN Television new story

View the Newcastle Herald editorial

View the Newcastle Herald news story

View Professor Chubb’s Newcastle Herald Opinion piece

Download Todd Williams’ Speech