RDA Hunter CEO Todd Williams this week attended Infrastructure Australia’s briefing on the Australian Infrastructure Audit.

The Australian Infrastructure Audit takes a strategic approach to assessing the nation’s infrastructure needs. It examines the drivers of future infrastructure demand, particularly population and economic growth.

The Audit provides a top-down assessment of the value-add, or Direct Economic Contribution of infrastructure; considers the future demand for infrastructure over the next 15 years, and delivers an evidence base for further gap analysis, long term planning and future investment priorities.

RDA Hunter attended the briefing to help prepare a submission to help inform the development of the 15 year Australian Infrastructure Plan.

RDA Hunter will draw on the priority infrastructure projects outlined in its Hunter Economic Infrastructure Plan as the basis of its submission.

For further information about the Australian Infrastructure Audit visit http://infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/policy-publications/publications/Australian-Infrastructure-Audit.aspx

To view the Hunter Economic Infrastructure Plan click here.