Cities are the primary locations for economic activity in Australia and this is recognised by political parties, at Federal and State levels as well as by local government. Vibrant cities attract and retain talented people, encourage innovation and create jobs.
The Significant Urban Area of Newcastle (ABS definition) has been identified as one of Australia’s most important national cities. The time is right for the Hunter to present its vision for the region’s major urban area and the importance of surrounding areas to boosting economic drivers, including ports (Sea and Air), transport, energy and communications. 
RDA Hunter is preparing a regional submission to governments regarding opportunities that focus on the future of the urban area for the Hunter. We are hosting a leadership conversation to inform this submission on May 24th.

RDA Hunter has previously undertaken work in the area of ‘cities’ and integrated planning for a productive Hunter Urban Area:
Established by the Australian and NSW governments, RDA Hunter is the region’s economic development organisation with a mandate to advise on critical issues affecting the Hunter and regional priorities to help drive economic growth.