Maitland Grossmann High School’s F1 in Schools team, Synergy, this week took out bronze at the F1 in Schools national finals held at Penrith Panthers and will find out soon whether they will make the trip to Texas for the world finals.

The Revolution Racing team from Mount View High School, another ME Program school, came sixth in the competition which comprised 32 schools from across Australia. 

The F1 in Schools™ Technology Challenge is the world’s largest secondary school technology program. It involves over nine million students from 17,000 schools in 31 nations.

“The ME Program is proud to have supported Jade, Michael, Samuel and Ethan who did their school and the region proud with their dedication and hard work in preparing for the F1 national competition. Both Synergy and Revolution Racing exemplify the work we are doing to inspire students to study STEM subjects and pursue STEM careers” said RDA Hunter’s ME Program Director Dr Scott Sleap.

“F1 in Schools epitomises the work we are doing in the ME Program to skill students for the jobs of the future. The Hunter is outperforming many others areas in Australia in the uptake of STEM subjects which stands us in good stead for the new jobs of the future,” continued Dr Sleap.   

During the F1 in Schools competition process, students collaborate with many organisations, industry and higher education facilities to source knowledge and resources. It provides a platform for mentoring of students. In doing so, they provide tremendous return on investment and education outcomes for all parties. Both metropolitan and rural schools are linked to encourage ongoing collaboration between country and urban students. The students develop a confidence that they have skills and understanding of technology to allow them to continue to live where they like (city or country), following their chosen careers. The program facilitates city and country students how to collaborate over distance in business, empowering them to deal with people anywhere in the world.

For further information about the ME program visit or