RDA Hunter’s ME Program and Hunter Valley Coal Chain Coordinator (HVCCC) recently helped students from Hamilton South Public School learn how Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology skills are applied in the workplace.

Six employees from HVCCC visited Hamilton South Public to demonstrate to students in years 3, 5 and 6 the practical applications of the STEM activities they are undertaking.

The students learnt about the HVCCC operations and then practiced skills in complex problem solving using industry standard LEAN manufacturing techniques using a ‘Lego Game Scenario’. These are similar techniques used to train employees in some of the largest and most successful businesses in the world.

“Much like our ME Program, Mini ME is about encouraging students to study STEM from an early age. Research shows that the younger students’ interest in STEM is activated, the more likely they are to pursue a career in STEM.” said Dr Scott Sleap, Director of RDA Hunter’s ME Program.

“Partnerships with companies like HVCCC are invaluable in giving Hunter students the chance to understand the opportunities that STEM skills open up. Our Mini ME Program is part of a series of projects under RDA Hunter’s Smart Workforce Initiative that contribute to a skilled and job ready workforce.” continued Dr Sleap.

The HVCCC plans and co-ordinates the co-operative daily operation and long term capacity alignment of the Hunter Valley Coal Chain.