INTERNATIONAL education is NSW’s largest services export sector, contributing $5.7 billion annually to the State. 

Not only is it vital for the Hunter’s economy to be a player in this space but also to take advantage of the regional development opportunities that International Students bring to the Hunter.

Attracting talented people to live, work and start businesses both during and after studies adds to the vibrant culture of the region.

We are competing against all other regions around the world for this talent – it’s ours to welcome and capitalise on.

This opportunity is further highlighted by Industry research specialists IBISworld that predicts yearly growth of 3.9% for the University and Other Higher Education sector due to increasing demand.  This means growth in the education sector will be well above the RBA’s 2.3% Annual Economic Growth Rate for Australia.

Deloitte Access Economics calculates the Hunter’s education and training sector as, “comprising about 5.6% of economic activity and employing 16,400 FTE workers and is projected to expand to around 6.1% of the regional economy over the next two decades.”

Our education services sector is considered to be of high quality in the global market.

In 2014, international students accounted for 25% of total enrolments in Australia. 

As the value of the dollar declines we are seeing a boost in enrolments from foreign students once again.

RDA Hunter has identified that international students who are located in the region deliver significant economic development outcomes and responded by developing a new initiative, Study Hunter.

Recently launched by THE NSW Minister for Regional Development and Minister for Skills,  John Barilaro, Study Hunter is supported by StudyNSW, TAFE Hunter Institute and The University of Newcastle. 

“RDA Hunter is helping deliver on-the-ground projects with real outcomes,” said Mr Barilaro.

“This excellent new initiative will improve international students’ experience in the Hunter and stimulate economic growth in NSW by attracting more overseas students to the region.”  The multi-lingual, on-line resource highlights to international students and their families the Hunter’s opportunities as a destination in which to live, study and work.

Study Hunter showcases the region’s lifestyle choices, vibrant youth culture; established social and business networks and welcoming community; connectivity with Australian destinations; quality education institutions; career opportunities; and practical information about living in the region.

An important feature of Study Hunter is the International Student Ambassador Program.  Students from Hunter TAFE and the University of Newcastle proudly perform the role of ambassador.

Welcoming and mentoring students who are new to the region, they also help promote the initiative and the Hunter through promotional activities here, within their own networks and when they return home.

Study Hunter’s inaugural International Student Ambassadors were guests at the launch. 

They are Noel Khan, Ioannis Pagkalinis, Thandi Chindove, Ruvimbo Timba and Yves Njejimana.

Showcasing the region to a young and motivated international audience not only helps boost international student enrolments in the short-term but will grow and diversify our workforce and economy for the future.


View the Newcastle Herald article