Boosting regional competitiveness for economic growth and job creation underpins RDA Hunter’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) for the Hunter Region. The S3 identifies actions for innovation driven growth in the Hunter by maximising the region’s competitive strengths.

Expanding markets and sharing knowledge is key to innovating and RDA Hunter is working with Invest Bavaria to help establish international networks.

According to RDA Hunter CEO, Todd Williams, Smart Specialisation is about making businesses internationally competitive by helping them innovate and grow. “Linking businesses with international markets through organisations like Invest Bavaria is at the core of our Smart Specialisation. We are very pleased that our initiative is helping businesses innovate to compete internationally.”

RDA Hunter this week facilitated a meeting with Hunter companies Darren Dimmock Print and UAV Air and Invest Bavaria to discuss opportunities to collaborate.

Darren Dimmock Print, a sixth generation Hunter based printing operation, is looking to Invest Bavaria for investment and engagement opportunities as well as German smarts on innovations in printing and 24 hour operations. Owner, Darren Dimmock said, “The opportunity to work with Invest Bavaria is invaluable for a business like mine. Ideas and knowledge from Germany, who leads the way in printing technology, will help us innovate, establish new business opportunities, network with leaders in our industry and plan for the future.”

UAV Air is Australia’s leading unmanned aerial vehicle training provider. General Manager, Ashley Cox said that working with an organisation like Invest Bavaria opens up a range of opportunities for the start-up business, “The applications for drone technologies are endless and we are always looking internationally for new ideas and technology. Invest Bavaria and organisations like it can help us access new industries, explore innovation in data integration and help us adapt our systems for international markets.”

Invest Bavaria is looking to strengthen its relationship with the Hunter region to share knowledge, make business connections and improve trade between the Hunter and Bavaria.

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