The Rural Research and Development (R&D) for Profit programme implements a government election commitment to boost funding to the rural research and development corporations (RDCs) and fund nationally coordinated, strategic research that delivers real outcomes for Australian producers. The Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper announced the government’s decision to extend the programme for a further four financial years and provide an additional $100 million in grant funding.

The total funding available for the programme has therefore been increased to $200 million over eight years, ending on 30 June 2022.

Keeping Australian farmers at the cutting edge

The Rural R&D for Profit programme aims to improve farm-gate productivity and profitability and deliver real outcomes for Australian farmers.

To be eligible for grant funding, RDCs must partner with one or more researchers, research agencies, RDCs, funding bodies, businesses, producer groups or not-for-profit organisations, and the partnership must provide funding (cash or cash plus an in-kind contribution) at least equal to the requested Australian Government grant funding. The programme guidelines provide further details of the eligibility and funding criteria.

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