With National Skills Week (29 Aug – 4 Sept) putting the spotlight on the benefits of vocational training, the State Government is asking residents who may be dealing with difficult life circumstances to consider fee free training as a pathway to more positive life and career outcomes.

The State Government’s fee exemptions and free scholarships were helping some of the state’s most vulnerable people ease the financial burden to rebuild their lives through training.

Vocational training and learning new skills can literally change the course of an individual’s life and future prospects.

Since the NSW Government launched this initiative in July 2015 over 27,000 people have taken the opportunity to choose from more than 590 qualifications from Certificate I to Certificate IV level.

Smart and Skilled was introduced in 2015 and eligible students can choose from more than 700 qualifications on the NSW Skills List.

National Skills Week: http://www.nationalskillsweek.com.au/

Smart and Skilled: https://smartandskilled.nsw.gov.au/for-students/fee-free-scholarships

Also for more news re: smart and skilled https://smartandskilled.nsw.gov.au/about/latest-news