THE Hunter has reached another milestone with the release of the Regional Development Australia (RDA) 2014 Hunter Innovation Scorecard.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said the Scorecard benchmarks the Hunter against the innovation performance of the European Union and other European states- a first for Australia.

“The scorecard measures the region’s innovation footprint and its capability in research and development, education and various industry sectors,” Mr Truss said.

“It sends a clear message to the rest of Australia and to the world that the Hunter is a first-class location for investment and business innovation.

“Building on the successful scorecard tool launched last year, RDA Hunter is helping the region to secure its future by meeting its full potential as a productive and growing national economy.”

Senator for New South Wales Arthur Sinodinos said the Hunter region combined many different sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, mining, tourism and research and development.

“The Australian Government supports innovation and research as a strong foundation for creating economic development and jobs,” Senator Sinodinos said.

“RDA Hunter works to strengthen the Hunter by helping to identify and secure funds for regionally significant infrastructure projects.

“The organisation also helps with communication between industries in the region and by driving investment to the Hunter region.”

The Australian Government is committed to developing stronger regions, with their success being a key to Australia’s future economic prosperity.

DPM Media Release Regional Hunter Scores Another Run on the Board. Download here.

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