The 2015 Regional Telecommunications Review Report to Government has been tabled in Parliament, looking at telecommunications access in regional, rural and remote Australia.

The report highlights the importance of mobile coverage in regional Australia, the potential to maximise benefits from the rollout of the nbn satellite and fixed wireless networks, and the need to develop consumer safeguards to support regional Australia.

The report makes 12 key recommendations, including:
•improving the availability of mobile phone services, by attracting new investment and better leveraging existing infrastructure
•establishing measures to ensure the nbn fixed wireless and satellite networks meet the demands of consumers into the future, and
•ensuring the funding and delivery of universal service obligations and related standards remain appropriate as consumer preferences change

The Report quoted RDA Hunter’s advice that in its 2014 survey of 84 Hunter businesses, 100% of those surveyed believed that without broadband they either could not operate at all or could function but with significant limitations. 

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