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RDA Hunter’s ME Program website has been developed to provide industry, students and teachers access to STEM resources.

Launched recently, the site provides information for students about the career opportunities that studying STEM can lead to. It provides science, technology, engineering and maths resources for industry and teachers and iSTEM resources for participating schools.

The site also connects industry, students and teachers via social channels and promotes ME Program events.

The ME Program is RDA Hunter’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) focused, skills and workforce development program. It links industry with schools in order to make curriculum more interesting and workplace-relevant and provides industry with qualified, motivated and career aware candidates.

The Program is targeted at students from years 7 – 12 and aims to increase the number of students undertaking Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects in participating schools while providing an opportunity for local industries to invest in their future workforce by engaging with students to complement recruitment initiatives.

Visit www.meprogram.com.au



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