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Since its inauguration in 1964, approximately 5.6 billion people have used the Tokaido Shinkansen, the transportation artery linking Japan’s three largest metropolitan areas, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka. The Tokaido Shinkansen (operated by Central Japan Railway) has supported Japan’ s economic growth. It operates 342 trains and moves 424,000 people every day.

General Manager of Central Japan Railway in Australia, Mr Shohei Yoshida will be the guest of RDA Hunter on 18 February 2016 to deliver a keynote address.

“The Impact of High Speed Rail – Japan’s Experience for over 50 years”

 An overview of how Japan’s innovation of the Shinkansen has transformed the nation, with examples of how HSR has promoted regional development and nation building.

Thursday 18th February 2016

10.30am – 12pm

Macquarie Room, PKF

755 Hunter Street, Newcastle West

RSVP: admin@rdahunter.org.au



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