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The innovative capability of the Hunter region was unveiled on Wednesday 31 July with the national launch of the inaugural Hunter Innovation Scorecard by NSW Chief Scientist, Professor Mary O’Kane.

The Scorecard, also available as an app, is the initiative of Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter in association with the Hunter Innovation Scorecard Committee chaired by Newcastle Innovation CEO Dr Brent Jenkins. Also on the committee are PwC, Hunter Valley Research Foundation and AusIndustry.

The Scorecard is based on time series data collected by the Hunter Valley Research Foundation. It tracks the capacity of Hunter businesses to innovate and highlights the top four organisations that enable innovation in the region and the nine leading innovative companies.

“This is the first time that a measure for innovation has been undertaken in regional Australia. The Scorecard demonstrates that businesses in the Hunter are increasingly innovative which is reflective of the region’s new economy” said RDA Hunter CEO, Mr Todd Williams.

“The future of the Hunter’s economy will be underpinned by our ability to innovate.  With a $37 billion economy – the largest regional economy in Australia – the Hunter is well positioned to take opportunities nationally and internationally.”

PwC partner Murray Evans says, “The innovative powerhouses of the Hunter’s future are no longer limited to the traditional energy and manufacturing sector but will be driven by technology, digital, creative and wine.”

The launch event which will be held at PwC’s Sydney offices will also include Marcus Westbury, the 2013 Hunter Innovation Champion talking of his experience in implementing innovative solutions for the Hunter and Dr Brent Jenkins, Chair of the Hunter Innovation Scorecard committee discussing the importance of measuring innovation continuing to benchmark in the future.

The Hunter Innovation Scorecard, app and video are available at www.rdahunter.org.au

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