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Regional Development Australia (RDA) Hunter is pleased to announce the 2014 Hunter Innovation Scorecard will be launched by The Hon. Warren Truss MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development

The Hunter Innovation Scorecard is a first for regional Australia. The 2014 Scorecard demonstrates the region’s strong innovation performance and compares the Hunter to regions operating in a tested innovation system and framework – the European Union. RDA Hunter recognises that innovation underpins economic development and jobs growth and is key to maintaining the Hunter’s position as Australia’s largest regional economy. The 2014 Hunter Innovation Scorecard plays a key role in promoting the region’s innovation capability and other comparative advantages nationally and internationally.

Thursday 16th October 2014

10.30am – 11.30am

Shangri-La Hotel, Harlequin Room
Level 1, 176 Cumberland Street, Sydney

RSVP essential admin@rdahunter.org.au by Friday 26th September 2014

Numbers are strictly limited to 50 people

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