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The Hon Duncan Gay MLC was in the Hunter recently to address CEDA’s ninth annual Hunter Regional Economic Forum of which RDA Hunter was the principal supporter.
Mr Gay highlighted the Hunter’s economic contributions to the state and national economies. He stressed that the projected increases in freight movements in the region will underpin economic growth and prosperity and require co-ordinated planning.

Further discussion during the conference session addressed integrating public transport across the region via a local transport authority.
RDA Hunter’s ‘Connecting the Hunter – A Regional Approach to Infrastructure’ outlines RDA Hunter’s long-term vision for a co-ordinated, regional approach to meeting the Hunter’s infrastructure needs.
Sustainable economic development and growth, improved productivity, high levels of employment and community well-being need world-class infrastructure.
Without investment in adequate and appropriate infrastructure, the region will struggle to achieve sustainable growth and maintain quality of life for current and future generations. 
It concluded: “The most effective way to ensure a truly comprehensive approach to regional transport is to establish a Regional Transport Authority”.  

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